Amy Alford

Jul 21, 20233 min

5 Facts on Carb Cycling

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

How to not see carbs as the enemy..

Carb cycling is a strategy that I have come to love in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. As a former low carb / keto gal, it has been refreshing to sit down at the table and enjoy the carbs! In fact, as I look back on all the years I wasted depriving myself of a much needed food group, I am forever grateful for this little strategy called carb cycling :) I am even more passionate about sharing it with you! Here are five facts that may help as you take a closer look into carb cycling.

FACT 1: Definition

Carb cycling by definition is an intentional variation of carbohydrate consumption. As we look at our body and what it uses for energy, we see that the body's two primary sources for energy are carbohydrates and fat. Both of these also play a key role in metabolism and are critical to maintain balance.

FACT 2: Advantage

Carb cycling helps with the development of metabolic flexibility which is our body's ability to switch between using fat and carbs for energy. In the FASTer Way, you learn how to strategically eat carbohydrates some days and fats on the other days to improve metabolic flexibility. An example would be: two low carb days a week on Monday and Tuesday, followed by "Regular Macro Days" (which means, Hello Carbs!) Wed-Sunday. These cycles are switched up a bit monthly to keep the body from hitting a plateau as you advance!

FACT 3: Chronic Low Carb Diets Side Effects

Chronic low carb diets put stress on the endocrine system and can effect thyroid function. There is also significant research showing that there is an alteration of gut flora in those who follow a chronic low carb diet. Cortisol - the stress hormone - has also shown to be increased with low carb diets.

FACT 4: Utilizing Carbs and Fat for Energy

By cycling carbohydrates in the diet, we can alter whether the body uses carbs vs fats for energy. On low carb days, our body is better able to deplete its glycogen stores and initiate fat burning.

Fact 5: Pairing Exercise with the Carb Cycle

When you pair your HIIT training days with a low carb diet (back to back days), you can further promote glycogen depletion and fat burning. In the FASTer Way, we typically only have two low carb days a week. It is important to strength train 3-4x a week and this requires days where carbs are in full supply! Typically, clients enjoy 45% of their total calories to carbohydrates. This helps with lean muscle gain and maintenance. If carbs are kept in low supply during these days, you could risk breakdown of lean body mass.

Interested in learning more strategies to help with fat loss? Scroll down and click for more info.

Over 40 and looking a plan to help with fat loss and becoming your best self? You're in the right place!

Not only is Amy an RN but she is also a Certified Coach with FASTer Way to Fat Loss and has personally lost over 40 pounds in her 40's and helped many others achieve the same results in their 40, 50, 60's... After a scary cancer battle for Amy's husband in 2019, Amy found herself at her heaviest weight and desperate for a way to regain the person she knew deep down that she still was. Amy is passionate about inspiring other ladies to live their healthiest and happiest life. You will find her journey sprinkled with gratitude, faith centered and always focused on being a good steward of one's health. Health truly is wealth.

Amy has experienced pain, battled life's fragility and knows the power of sharing your story. Welcome to this chapter!

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