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Making Your Moments Matter - How Action Heals.

Happy March, Friends! Hard to believe we will soon be closing out the first quarter of 2021. I hope your year is off to a great start. And if you are finding yourself stuck in the same rut as last year, join me here for some great ways to make the moments matter this month and in the months to come.

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The more I study, read, pray, and engage - the more I find myself experiencing many answers to prayer. I am astonished at the work that only God could have orchestrated. Big things that were holding me back have literally crumbled to pieces. I am now watching as those pieces are being reassembled into a masterpiece that only He can create. I am finding myself walking much more in faith as my Eternal GPS Guide sets the pace.

Do I have a problem-free life? No way! I mean I sure had some HUGE obstacles in the way. And I mean HUGE. However, I have experienced healing in areas that seemed impossible and I want to share with you how God can do the same for you. I've walked through some really tough storms and I must admit I still wake up wondering if today the storms will rage again. It is then I remember the same God who calmed the storms for Peter can calm the storms that rage inside me.

He did it for me. He can and will do it for you.

Join me on this journey in March as we make the moments matter. Trust God to do your impossible and watch Him restore your faith and hope. I love knowing that no matter what my imperfections may be, He still loves me and He has a purpose and plan for my every action.

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A: Admit you have a problem or problems hindering you from your full potential.

It is easy to ignore deep issues that are hindering your walk. We prefer to tuck those deep inside and try not to let the crazy surface. Self-awareness and soul searching are much harder than they seem. It is much easier to hide and ignore the touchy areas. You know, maybe deal with them another day. Then another day. Then another day. And then here you sit stuck in the same rut year after year.

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It is amazing how much easier it seems to stay under the weight of problems just because they are familiar or your norm. Addictions and scars that have been passed from generation to generation are allowed to continue their demise because it is just what we know... the familiar.

As I face the teenage years and soon-to-be college years for my girls, I am more aware of how my actions affect my girl's future. It has changed my prayer life and ultimately my walk. What was once not anything too harmful has become on the no way, no how list.

So, grab a piece of paper and be H.O.N.E.S.T today and then apply A.C.T.I.O.N.

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I have to stop drinking to numb my problems.

I have to stop smoking or vaping.

I need to be honest with my spouse.

I have to get help with my spending and finances.

I need to spend more time with my kids.

I need to adopt healthy habits and lose weight.

I need to get help for an addiction.

I need to get help for my depression, anger, or mental illness.

I need to admit that pride has kept me stuck in a rut. I just didn't want people to know.

I need more of Him and a whole lot less of me.

Pride holds many back from fulfilling their full purpose and potential. Today you can free those chains by simply admitting you have a problem and allow God's love and humility to take pride's place and give bondage its overdue exit papers from your life.

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C: Call a friend and ask for help.

This one makes all the difference. You must ask for help. You must have the right accountability partners.

I've lived this. I am currently living this. Don't be the friend that just wants to be nosey.

No one is strong enough to endure each of life's blows and struggles alone. As you face your problems don't forget to grab a shoulder to lean on as you begin your journey to healing. Let humility release pride's grip as you partner with others who have experienced healing in a similar area.

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God places different people in our lives for very different reasons. Sound advice is key and seeking guidance from the wise is crucial. Ask God to give you the strength to put embarrassment and pride aside as He guides you to your accountability circle. Take time here. He is the lead you keep in step with Him.

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As you begin to seek help and let humility saturate the sticky spots, you will be amazed at the circle that God creates to protect you. He forms a team around you that is able to withstand life's toughest hits. Sure the storm may continue to rage but it has to go through His Christ-Centered Circle that surrounds you first. You will be left in awe as you watch the storm break on that outer edge before it ever reaches you.

Courage and stamina are secured as your protection becomes visible to your now humbled heart. Pride sees me, me, me. Humility sees only Him in me.

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T: Take baby steps. You only need tiny changes at first.

Here is the key to success. Don't let the final result make you miss the tiny steps required to accomplish the task at hand. It is easy to get a bit too excited and charge headfirst into the recovery and healing process. We've all been there. You decide to go on a diet, starve yourself for a few days, work out hard at the gym, only to find yourself on day 4 binge eating, and too sore to even think about exercise. Sound familiar?

As you face weaning yourself from a bad habit, addiction, or weak area in your life, make sure you clearly define the baby steps. Write down small ways you can change and incorporate them slowly into each day. Give yourself room to grow, heal and then watch as God expands each and every stride.

Don't squash the tiny moments that matter. The action in the teeny tiny steps produces the momentum and healing power to allow God to use you for great impact. You will stand amazed as your tiny is touched by an enormous God and soon experience His anointing on overflow.

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I: Invite change into your daily life.

This one is my favorite! I love change. In fact, if you visit my house, you will find furniture moved around, different color themes and decor, and the list could go on and on. I love the boost a new room arrangement can have on the mind and body. The same stuff just moved around a bit to serve a better purpose. A fresh perspective is eye-opening. It frees you from complacency and keeps you from getting stuck. If only real life were that easy...

If you are trying to free yourself from an impossible situation or break an addiction or stronghold, you must change your environment. You must dig deep and find creative ways to make your struggles harder to reach. If you wake up and do the exact same things you did yesterday in the exact same places, then you will find yourself in the exact same pit of your yesterdays. Compound that times 365 yesterdays a year and you are just about buried alive.

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O: Own the Process.

Now that you have accepted the change that is needed, you must own the process. This can be hard at first as you accept the hard work. This is your job, no one can do it for you. However, once you get over the hump, you soon find yourself in sync with the good work that has begun and you will start finding new ways to change and adapt even more.

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N: Need Him Always.

The void He fills and the healing He provides needs to be noticed. Never allow yourself to become sidetracked or so discouraged that you lose sight of His handiwork in your life.

Pray for eyes to see His majesty in the simple, ears to hear His whispers because He is near, and a heart that longs deeply for Him.

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Needing Him near is my nourishment for today. Noticing Him near is my nudge that I will make it out ok. Hearing Him near is my comfort in any delay. And walking with Him near is knowing He is here to stay.

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P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

But You're ___________ *insert your name here

Welcome to the front lines!

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