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  • Amy Alford

My Daughter's Senior Year of High School, A Mom's Courage.

Updated: Oct 11, 2020

Courage. It has been on my mind all week. I've jotted down ideas for my post and researched but was never quite able to nail down the direction I wanted to take. And then it hit me... While sitting with my daughter this week working on college applications, scheduling senior pictures, needing to order cap and gown it really hit me hard. I will very soon experience my greatest test of courage as a mom - my oldest will soon leave the nest.

A mama's heart is always with those in her nest. As moms, we protect our young, guide them, regroup and redirect as life's hard blows ensue, and we keep them close within our wings. We've practiced letting them leave the nest quite a few times - some successful moments and some tough learning lessons.

Mama Bird Leave The Nest Courage Bravery Absolutely Amyable

However, the thought of my wings no longer physically being around my daughter and letting her embark using her own gifts and callings has this mama needing a bit more courage.

If life is putting your courage to the test this season, I hope you will take a few moments to read and share. We need people. We need others to take us under their wings in hard times and even in moments like these as we prepare to send our young off to their dreams.

To my girls, I hope you know that your mama will always be right here, just a few steps away. What you are able to accomplish outside of the nest will be far greater than anything you can imagine. You will have the opportunity to impact the world for good. It is what is in your blood. We have practiced and you are ready.

Now... I just have to prepare my mama's heart to release you. I might have forgotten to fully practice that...

Daughter Hero Courage Bravery Girls Sunset Fall Absolutely Amyable
Son Bravery Courage Strength Absolutely Amyable Quote

Here's are 7 lessons in courage I am certain we both (mom and teen) need right now.

1. The keys are now yours and there are new doors to unlock.

I'm handing over the keys that will unlock the hero inside of you. The keys that were always yours to begin with, I was just given a mama's most precious job of keeping them safe and holding you a bit tighter as you grew. The doors you can unlock now lie outside of my nest and they will open dreams as big as you can imagine.

I am one proud mama. What you have already unlocked inside of me is far greater than anything I could have ever done for you. Do not ever lose sight of what you know and stay attuned to that little voice pushing you just a bit further.

Your mama is always right here, wings now empty but spread wide open to a great big God whom I know will guide you on every flight in life you take.

Mama Bird Arms Wide Open Stretched To Sky Absolutely Amyable Quote

2. You are equipped with passion, purpose, and calling.

"You were made for the place where your real passion meets compassion because there lies your real purpose."




  1. the ability to do something that frightens one. "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"

Stay intentional, set goals so big they scare you, hone in on your passions, keep your focus on that deeper urging you feel within your soul, and you will soon find success all while doing what you love.

You have a huge team cheering you on, they've walked beside you every step of the way!

brielle Bernstein

Isaiah 40:31 Family Absolutely Amyable

"Allow your passion to become your purpose, and it will one day become your profession."

Gabrielle Bernstein Gabrielle BernsteinGa

Red Heart Nurse Hands Frontlines

Read more here on teaching children about courage:

3. You will often be unsure of the answer.

When you find yourself unable to find the answer, you must realize your first job is obedience. Your final destination is never fully visible. The important part of growing your faith and reaching your goals is to allow yourself to be comfortable with turn by turn directions and ones that even require you to circle back around a couple of times.

If you are unsure ask. If you are confused sit down and listen. If you are completely lost, call home!

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchhill

The Best Better Quotes Strenth Courage

Through the years, I have never quite known exactly what you would become; instead, I prayed for God to grow your passion and potential so grand that you could only run in one direction - right smack dab into your calling.

Let go of your fear. Be ok with not knowing the exact final destination and know that through hard work and obedience you will soon find yourself in sync with the path He has laid before you.

Circle Back Around Calling Purpose Quote Absolutely Amyable

4. Connect with others who want to grow.

The fastest way to lose your courage and head down the wrong path is to allow the wrong people to be your guide. Connect with other like-minded friends and family who will cheer you on and help push you to bigger and better things!

We accomplish more when we come into agreement with one another. I know I sure need a few wings to surround me as I release you from the nest and you can bet your mama has already prayed for new wings to surround you as you embark on your new venture.

Philippians 2: 2-5:

"Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus"

Philippians 2: 2-5 Absolutely Amyable Daughters Friends Arms Around Each Other Fall

5. Stop seeking perfection. Don't walk away.

It is so easy to become defeated when we seem to fail time after time. However, it is imperative to learn that the best lessons come from failure. Too often we let shame, fear, and exhaustion cause us to walk away from great calling and what we love.

Stay the course, surround yourself with people who keep you connected to the right source, and you will find the courage to face the next obstacle with renewed strength and vigor.

I love this photo of my now high school senior as a baby. Nail holes and all... It is perfectly imperfect. Life will throw some daggers your way, people will try to deflate your self-worth, and those nail holes come at a great cost, but you have the courage and bravery to turn the other cheek and always turn your good into great!

Daughter Baby Drivers Seat Smile Absolutely Amyable

6. Be decisive. Don't sit on the fence.

You have to take ownership. If you want to run circles around the rest of the crowd stuck in their mundane lifestyle of mediocracy then take full responsibility for your all. Stop blaming life circumstances, past hurts, and failures on your stalled progress.

Have the courage to become fully engaged in your goals, prioritize, stay humble, and own your all. Pray to stay at least one or two steps ahead of any looming problems and don't become so fixated that you become stuck sitting on the fence.

You can rest assured that this mama bird will come to give you a swift kick off the fence. I taught you to fly once before and I am not afraid to give it one more kick for good measure.

Chickens On A Fence Absolutely Amyable

7.Create your own happy place.

The true test of your courage and strength will be in the tough moments. Courage is what will get you up in the morning after you've experienced great loss, it is what will help you walk into meetings where much is at stake, and courage will allow you to find happiness even in the midst of heaviness.

What your mama probably will never be able to say to your face without tears flowing is that I never wanted you to leave my nest, my happy place. Even in life's crazy, I still knew I had my wings close enough to swoop you right back in. At a moment's notice, I could ground your little chirpy self and let this mama bird sit on you a few more weeks, months, or years.

But now, I want you to create your own happy place. One that is mixed with just the right amount of courage, humility, and love. I wish we could share the same space, same tree, same branch; however, I know the one above has a whole new world that awaits just you.

So I will sit on my perch high above, and watch you become the young lady I know you were called to be. I will pray for your protection and provision. I will pray for curiosity and faith to grow inside of you to help create a happy space for all your days.

Mama Bird Perch Tree Mountain Top Fall Absolutely Amyable Quote

And for all the boy moms :)

Success is not accidental. It takes hard work and lots of courage. You did not learn to fly overnight. You've already carried heavy loads.  You've shown up to life on painful, ugly days and you've still shown love and grace.

Silence the haters, silence your doubts, and fly. I'll just be over here watching and praying for God to establish your steps and to show you that dreams really do come true.

God gave me my dream when he created you. Now, I will share. Go conquer the world and never forget your mama bird sitting over here whispering to you - YOU are the ONE - chosen, called, purposed, protected, and full of courage!

Daughter Chosen Palm Tree California Dreams Absolutely Amyable

Here's to the hero inside of you!

Absolutely Amyable Amy Alford Red EKG Heart

P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

But You're ___________ *insert your name here

Welcome to the front lines!

Absolutely Amyable Amy Alford Nursing Guide Red EKG Heart

Amy Alford Absolutely Amyable Picture

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