Amy Alford

Sep 15, 20232 min

How to Love Your Body in Midlife

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

Do you want to love your Midlife body again but you don't know where to start? What if you had a plug and play blueprint that you could do from home - one that has transformed the lives of thousands of busy ladies just like you?!

If you're a lady who doesn't want to spend hours in the gym and want a plan you can be proud to share with your daughters, this personalized training is perfect for you!

Hi, I'm Amy BTW, and I am passionate about helping ladies love their body!

I have shed the midlife pounds and love helping other ladies do the same. If the scale continues to climb, if you're tired of yo-yo dieting, and can't imagine hitting the gym after long work days, click below to get info on the 6 week plan I coach!

Click Below for Info on my Next 6 Week New Client Round of the FASTer Way.

Here's to your healthiest and happiest self yet!

Find me on Instagram - @absolutelyamyable

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Over 40 and looking a plan to help with fat loss and becoming your best self? You're in the right place!

Not only is Amy an RN but she is also a Certified Coach with FASTer Way to Fat Loss and has personally lost over 40 pounds in her 40's and helped many others achieve the same results in their 40, 50, 60's...

After a scary cancer battle for Amy's husband in 2019, Amy found herself at her heaviest weight and desperate for a way to regain the person she knew deep down that she still was. Amy is passionate about inspiring other ladies to live their healthiest and happiest life. You will find her journey sprinkled with gratitude, faith centered and always focused on being a good steward of one's health. Health truly is wealth.

Amy has experienced pain, battled life's fragility and knows the power of sharing your story. Welcome to this chapter!

For more information, on the FASTer Way program click here:

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