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  • Amy Alford

Verbal Viruses - 7 Ways to Nicely Tell Someone to Shut Up.

Updated: Oct 11, 2020

This post will be juicy! I am sure the "shut up" part had most of you clicking the link in milliseconds. And I definitely get it - it is strong language to use but words are exactly that - strong and destructive.

"Verbal virus refers to those nasty filler words that creep into our conversations such as; um, ah, like, so, you know, no doubt and the two I use to distraction, fabulous and awesome. These viruses can also include lip smacks and any other mouth sounds....." Read more on the link below:

When I first began delicately piecing together my blog, I knew I wanted to touch on verbal viruses. In fact, I even created my logo around it. I later changed it but here is my first logo.

Absolutely Amyable Logo Nurse AA Verbal Viruses

I still feel an urge to share a few words on this subject. There are many viruses running rampant in our nation; however, there are a few viruses falling under the radar as well. If you are like me and are having a hard time knowing exactly how to explain modern-day America to your children, I hope this blog will help give some silence to the noise.

A blog meant to silence. Yes, you read that right! Let's discuss using too many words.

LAdy Finger Over Mouth Shut Up Silence Be Quiet

Fun fact: the word Absolutely in my blog name is actually considered a filler word (aka verbal virus) - one of the reasons I named my blog Absolutely Amyable. The other word Amiable (but spelled like my name instead) means:

a·mi·a·ble /ˈāmēəb(ə)l/ Learn to pronounce adjective

  1. having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. "an amiable, unassuming fellow"

I wanted to show how a filler word - one with little to no value, mixed with a kind word (amiable: friendly) can cure disease.

I still believe it can... words when mixed with care by the right hearts, hands,

and minds can heal nations.

Here are 7 ways to shut up and share care.

Silence Dice Violence

1. Stop the confusion. Share care.

How many times does our own language become mangled and confusing because of verbal viruses? Also known as mindless chatter...

Just take a quick scroll through Facebook, one friend of mine today shared TEN political articles - all on different issues - it is just too much. There were so many different thoughts, different topics, you had to click and navigate here, and then there. How do we sort the evidence?

So today, I will use my nurse's pen (thus the logo part about conquering "with care" on my logo above), and I will attempt to professionally touch on a tender topic. I value the voice and empathy nurses maintain in all situations and have vowed to use my nurse's pen on my blog. We need no more mindless chatter, personal opinion, hate, or confusion.

We need care. Very careful care of the words we speak and over the words we broadcast via that little button called share.

In order to really care, modern-day Americans must remember the value of a share. Bridges will be built or burned based on your words, so you must stay aware and be careful what you share. I hope today you will pair your words carefully so we can delicately repair our nation and spare our future generations any more heartache and pain.

Share Social Media

2. Pause. Collect your thoughts.

I feel like we should sit right here about sixty seconds and let what we have read so far sink in, no rush for the next sentence. Deep breath in, deep breath out, repeat...

Have you ever taken a moment to breathe when you are in an angry rage and then totally forget what you were spewing out of your mouth with such vigor only seconds prior? You must stop talking. Breathe. Regroup. Pause. Collect your thoughts.

It is not a presidential debate, we do not have two minutes to jam pack the sentence. Focus. What you say matters, what you share matters, don't confuse. Collect all those ten shares you have and study and sort a bit. Sharing quickly isn't always caring!

Pause Button Lady Finger On Button Collect Your Thoughts

3. Be personal. No more share and blare.

How many filler words can we eliminate if we are just personal, talking to one another in real life? So many feel the need to share and blare their thoughts. No one wants to do the research, put in the schooling hours, or carry the title.

However, it is amazing the value in real personal connection. Words no longer matter when you sit together and let the tears flow. Tears are wells of words from the heart that often nourish another in hard times and in the division. You do not ever have to know it all. You never have to have all the words. Just be the nurse. Hold the hand. And care not blare.

Doctor and Patient Hand On Arm

Be Personal Nurse Holding Patients Hands Tears Wells of Words Absolutely Amyable

4. Record yourself speaking.

This might very well be the drop the microphone moment... It is almost like asking you to step on the scale. Oh, sure it is easy to say President Trump looks and sounds like an idiot and Joe Biden is a fool. That is until you step behind the microphone and the camera! (It is hard enough to hear your own voice on a telephone message.)

I want the insanity to stop just like most Americans, but until all this mindless chatter in the background is hushed, I am not sure we will ever be able to HEAR what either candidate is really saying anyway.

Drop the Microphone

5. Handle conflict. Don't call out sick.

To stop mindless chatter, verbal viruses, and filler words, we need to harness confusion into education and empower others even in the midst of conflict.

Conflict is inevitable. There are two sides to every story. The challenge becomes sifting through the mess to understand the root cause and then to delicately sort the pieces.

Don't call out sick. Show up, be willing to give more than you ask, let go of your ego, and build a team despite division. Embrace unique qualities and have healthy dialogue - which often means listening more than you speak - and maintain a working vibe that elevates each other and empowers those around you.

What separates the good from the great is the ability to shut up. Actions speak louder than words and once you deliver on your promises time and time again, there is very little that needs to be said. The pieces fit together and the mess becomes a masterpiece.

Nurses Doctors Holding Puzzle Pieces

Hero Inside of You Man on Mountain Top Absolutely Amyable

6. Stop chasing clout. Have a heart for God.

Ask any modern-day teen and they will quickly tell you they are chasing popularity, likes, and going viral. No one seems to care how much extra our teens are "putting out there" to gain popularity and fame. What you fill the voids in life with matters just like what meaningless words you allow to flow from your mouth.

Eventually, the lies you continue to tell will become your real life. The "prophecy" you speak over your life, will become reality. Pray instead for God to help you chase the things after His own heart, to fill those empty voids with His words, and you will soon find yourself needing less and less of the world's fillers and more and more empowered to share His love with others!

Heart Hands

Share God's Love Quote Heart EKG Absolutely Amyable

7. Get in position to fulfill your calling.

The stage is set. You have eliminated confusion, paused to collect your thoughts, made personal connections, listened to yourself, met conflict head-on with love and courage, and you have chased what matters most in life. It is now your turn to shine.

Stage Mircrophone Light

The outcome and potential are endless. God has positioned and placed you exactly where He needs you. God has prepared and purposed you for today and He always makes good on His promises.

There are no limits to your success and God will ignite the hero inside of you. Stay intentional with His word and your protection and provision will be guaranteed.

But You're _______________ * insert your name here

And the world desperately needs you!

Circle back around to the calling you've been avoiding for years, revisit those old sparks of passions and excitement. You have within you right now exactly what you need for great impact!

Silence (shut up) the doubt and GO!

Red Heart EKG Amy Alford Absolutely Amyable

Circle Back To Your Calling Quote Colored Pencils In Circle Absolutely Amyable

Need direction? Must watch or listen as you drive home today. "There is still time!"

I love you much, friends!

P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

But You're ___________ *insert your name here

Welcome to the front lines!

Absolutely Amyable Amy Alford Red Heart EKG

Amy Alford Absolutely Amyable

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