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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

Your Ladder to a Better New Year

Updated: Jan 2, 2021

Ever wanted someone to throw you a rope or even better a ladder so you could climb your way to a better tomorrow? I know I sure have! Or ever wondered if God sent angels to earth to help us along the way? If so, order me a double batch, please! ;)

Window Clouds Ladder Blog Title Absolutely Amyable

Which got me thinking while goal planning for the New Year... I was reminded of a story in the Bible about Jacob's dream and the ladder he saw with angels ascending and descending. It reminded me of a speech I had to give my senior year in high school regarding angels. Do we really entertain angels unaware like the verse in Hebrews 13:2 says?

"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

While researching angels a bit more over the last few days, I was drawn back to the dream Jacob had in the Bible. In Genesis 28:12 it says:

"Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it."

Ladder To Heaven Clouds Genesis 28:2

As I read, I was drawn more to the ladder than to the angels. The ladder to me represents Christ - our ladder or access to the throne of God. While I firmly believe angels are real, my life-saving ladder out of the pit lies solely in Christ. The angels He encamps around me are truly the added benefits of my life established on Him.

As you embark on a new year, grab His ladder and start your climb to a better tomorrow. Enjoy direct access to the throne and remember the added messengers that come alongside you on your journey. I know Christ has sent many angels disguised as each of you in my journey the last few years and for that, I am forever grateful. So, if you are needing a boost of success this new year, start right here.

Here are 6 ways the L.A.D.D.E.R is your direct access to success in 2021.

L: Life devoted to Christ.

The first step is to grab the right ladder. Most of us have tried many other avenues. You've jumped on the elevator and hopped a ride on the escalator only to find yourself still in the same muck and mire. Life has dumped you off in many new places of unknown while leaving you still searching for the answer.

A life devoted to Christ is the only sure way. He becomes your direct access to the throne and your ladder to success. Sure the climb may not be easy, but the destination will be worth the wait. Grab the right ladder today!

Rek Ekg Strip Absolutely Amyable Quote

A: Action - take the first step.

You've chosen the right ladder, now take the first step.

I hate ladders. I rarely get on them. The older I get the more unsteady I seem to become... Add in a neuro issue and my balance is always an issue. My legs begin to shake and half the battle is just having the guts to start the climb.

However, once your footing becomes established and you feel His steady hands securing the ladder, you soon find yourself in sync with His steps. You start to feel those angels ascending and descending right alongside you and the anticipation of what awaits gives you the forward momentum to keep on climbing.

New Year Goals Absolutely Amyable Quote

D: Daily Decision.

Here's where most fall off... It's like diet day 1 - I've got this! I am motivated. This is easy. And then... temptation and easy fast food start screaming your name. Forget the ladder, where is that elevator again?

Good things come to those who wait and even better to those who work hard. A life devoted to Christ is a daily decision and discipline. There are some days the journey feels easy and there are many that feel like a painful climb. Remember whose hand steadies your ladder and the destination that awaits. You've got this!

Lady Mountain Top Looking Down Quote Absolutely Amyable

D: Determination Sets In.

You've made it past the cravings, your jeans are getting looser, the scale is dropping and you finally feel steady on the road to success! It is amazing the strength you gain after determination sets in. Your walk with Christ (or climb) is much the same. You begin to feel His hand in every moment, His presence begins to balance you, and your footing is secured. The wind rocking the ladder starts to be much less noticeable and your body is set in motion for success.

Let determination keep your eyes focused on what awaits above and then:

E: Experience His goodness and share.

Red Heart Doctor Holding Heart Absolutely Amyable Quote

Isn't it amazing how once we really start experiencing His goodness, we can't help but share it with others? You are suddenly ready to get everyone signed up to join the team. Once you start seeing the results, you want others to find the same experience. His goodness begins to be on overflow and you invite others to join the climb. I envision the angels ascending and descending the ladder as they grab your family and friends whom you have invited to the journey.

Man Helping Man Climb Cliff Absolutely Amyable Quote

R: Rest in His Reveal.

I still remember my dream of Heaven. There was such longing in the reveal of His presence. It was longing so deep that there are no words that could ever fully describe it. So for now, like Jacob's dream, I will continue on my journey with Christ while remembering Philippians 3:14:

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

The climb will be worth the wait and I'll soon join the angels and find rest in His majestic reveal.

Philippians 3:14 Dove Hands to Heaven

Added Bonus: Your ladder travels.

Remember, there are no ideal environments. In fact, I wrote this entire blog while sitting in an emergency room for the second day in a row and then while sitting bedside on the pediatric floor with my 15-year-old daughter. I had no clue when I felt the urging just a few days ago to research and read and listen that I would need the reminder to be most thankful that my ladder travels.

Conditions are no match. Hurricane proof - my ladder sure is!

Rocks Ocean Waves Crashing on Rock Matthew 7:24-25

Ladder Infographic Absolutely Amyable

Your ladder to rest and success in the New Year is ready. Lace-up those shoes and start the climb. Going it alone is never fun, so grab those that you hold dear, and pray for stamina to face your today.

The reveal will be grand when you finally find rest in His promised land.

New Year Fireworks Quote Absolutely Amyable

Absolutely  Amyable Logo Amy Alford Red Heart EKG

P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

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