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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

An Introvert's Guide to an Extrovert Child, Life with Abs.

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

Feeling a bit stressed this holiday season? Need a bit more flexibility, cheer, and that extra push to make the day a bit more jolly? Take heart, this blog is for you!

My youngest daughter, Abby, has been the best medicine for this OCD, hermit-like mama. She has eased many of my stiff routines and structures and has helped bring quite a bit of fun to hard days. Settle on in, take some notes, and then meet the month of December with a heaping dose of living life, Ab's style.

Teen Fall Picture Sunset Absolutely Amyable

6 Must-Have Life Lessons From My Extrovert.

1. Be flexible and keep people in your eyesight.

This is hard for me... You? I love to be alone, in the quiet, with no humans in sight. Routine and structure are my ideal setting minus loud distractions. Then there is my Abby. Her motto is "people please, and lots of laughs." Allowing Abby to have "people time" aka crowd time has helped stretch my comfort level quite a bit. When "one more friend" turns into ten more friends... all I can do is keep on stretching! I am getting quite limber these days.

My favorite photo of Abby is below. This was in her elementary school days, I was calling out some school work for a quiz that day before we headed to the carpool line, and I turned around and find her doing this while answering the questions... Gymnastics practice plus studying - she really can multi-task!

Girl Gymnastics Be Flexible

“Blessed are the flexible for they shall not get bent out of shape.”

Blessed Girl Flexible Sports Pictures

2. Jump right on in.

No need to weigh all the risks and benefits when you are Abs, just keeping on moving forward. She may have to backtrack a few times but somehow she always still manages to finish first. Take the leap of faith, add a dose of fun, and jump on in!

Girl Jumping Off Boat Absolutely Amyable

Girl Jumping Leap of Faith Absolutely Amyable

Girl Prom Dress Jumping Friends

3. Take the shot.

But what if I take the shot and miss? That is my question...

But to Abby, the question is "What if I don't take the shot?" You are right, Abby. Life goes too quickly and what-ifs are some of the hardest lessons to learn. There are so many times I wish I had just taken the shot, just been a bit more laid back, and just loved a bit more whole-heartedly.

But then God gave me, you!

Dad Daughter Turkey Shoot Absolutely Amyable

Little Girl Take the Shot Absolutely Amyable

4. It's just a snake.

Fear stops us from accomplishing our full potential and often what we think is scary is actually harmless. Abby seems to be minus the fear gene. She can handle snakes, put those hands in the air and wave them like she really doesn't care, and tackle most hurtles with a smile on her face.

This Christmas, as Covid lifestyle has things feeling a bit different and scary at times, don't forget to wrestle that "scary" snake, Abs style. You might just find the snake is harmless and you have that little inner-hero ready to tackle life with much less fear.

Fear Quote Red Heart EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable

Girl Snake

Roller Coaster Happiness Sumer

5. If He can do it, I can do it better!

Forget the labels. There is not much that can not be accomplished when one is given the right tools. One thing Abby has mastered is that there is no need to follow any label or norm. She never second-guesses her ability to accomplish something new and different. She's out fished quite a few fishermen in her lifetime and she always adds an extra dose of bravery to every endeavor.

From the ballfield to her favorite fishing spot, she always believes she can do it better or just as good as the guys. She adds the competitive edge to most life challenges and slides on in for the win. Go after the gold, Abby! Courage is running through your veins. And Xanax through mine... ;)

Dad Daughter Fishing Boat Summer Sports

Be Humble and Courageous quote

6. Take the pie in the face and call it a day.

Another favorite day in the life of Abs...

Pie Dough in The Face Absolutely Amyable

We were at our favorite beach pizza spot and of course, Abby, was the first to jump up and attempt to catch the dough. Even a face full of pie couldn't ruin her day. She rolls with the punches, keeps the laughs on tap, and gives everyone around her a heaping dose of happiness.

This introvert mom sure appreciates this extrovert's heartwarming laughs. Abby adds life to each and every day!

Girl Smiling

Infographic Absolutely Amyable

Fall Sunset Teen Leaves Absolutely Amyable

Merry Christmas, Friends! Here's to December, Abs style!

Life Lesson's from Extrovert Absolutely Amyable

More Holiday Cheer Ideas From Amy:

P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

But You're ___________ *insert your name here.

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