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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

Be Still... My Heart. But Don't Be...

In life's chaos, it is easy to become distracted, defeated, and completely sidetracked if we are not careful. Learning the value of "Be Still" can be a daunting task. Learning to quiet the busy and focus on what matters is the key to true success. However, life will never be completely easy but it can include a few "Don't Be" moments that will keep you well on your way to "Be still... My heart."

Be Still My heart Blog Absolutely Amyable

I love these three verses that remind me of the security I have in God, the need to cease striving, and then will I know without a doubt that He is Mine.

Psalm 46:10:

“Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth.”

Exodus 14:4:

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

Psalm 37:7:

"Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices."

Be Still Bible Verses Absolutely Amyable

Here are 7 "Don't Be" Moments to adopt so you can "Be still" in His presence and accomplish His purpose in your life.

1. Don't be wishy-washy. The time is now!

Stop waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect set of circumstances. You must learn the value of "Be Still" moments in your life. Moments that help you tap closer into His presence and start putting your action plan in place.

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That nudge you are starting to feel, those things that just keep popping up and making your heart start to flutter, those are the moments to "Be Still" and focus attentively. There is so much you can do, so much God equipped JUST you with - find Him in the still and He will help propel you forward into your purpose.

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2. Don't be a doubter.

No one walks smack dab into their purpose. Stop questioning all the what-ifs. Silence the voice telling you everything that could go wrong. But I don't know exactly what to say, I am not sure this is the right time, you mean you want me to do what? Um... no, I don't think anyone will like it.

We all get these questions in life. No one will read your blog, no one will attend your class, no one will help you... However, if you "Be Still" and devote solid time in His presence, you will soon see how little by little God orchestrates each step precisely. Even in the midst of our flaws, He adds His special touch and magic happens.

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You've got this!

3. Don't be stuck in the same old habits. Get comfortable with being a bit uncomfortable.

Our habits definitely dictate our future. Talk to anyone who has achieved great success and you will find that they learned how new daily disciplines over time create staggering achievement. Sure it feels more comfortable at the time to continue doing the same routines to keep life more fear-free; however, comfortable can lead to being stuck in your life.

When you "Be Still" and let His presence and magnificent power take the lead, you soon start to feel that unshakable confidence flood your heart. You literally start to feel the heart flutter as His goodness is on overflow.

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4. Don't be rushed. Surrender.

Once you start tapping into His still moments, it is easy to start to feel excited, hurried, and find yourself rushing through pivotal moments. God needs you to fully surrender. His time table ticks at an eternal pace. Don't let the excitement of finally hearing Him in the still and feeling that purpose kicking in high gear make you forget to surrender your time table for His. Eternal, life-giving moments are beginning to be within your grasp to share with others. Handle with care and let Him take the lead.

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5. Don't be ungrateful.

It is easy to forget how far God has brought when you find yourself rolling through life with success on overdrive. However, set up reminders along the way of where and what God has brought you through. Remember, you will eventually face another struggle or roadblock and you will need yesterday's gratitude and wisdom to thank Him today. It is in seeing these past heartaches and achievements that we allow gratitude to saturate areas that may surface in weakness or in pride.

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6. Don't be a small group leader only.

This is one of my favorite lessons. Don't be confined to that small inner security circle. Think and dream BIG. As I started this blogging journey just a few short months ago, I could have never dreamed of the impact and connections that were awaiting me. That inner circle you've worked so hard to create and keep close are not the only people God wants you to reach and the larger partnership that is available is endless!

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Small is good in many ways; however, you will find the most possibilities by letting Him expand your reach. These connections go global and are intended for eternity purposes. The small group you once thought were the VIP section of people God placed in your life, can soon become just spectators. The cheerleaders and life breathing mentors are often outside of your small select group. Say goodbye to fear and watch as God grows your impact.

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7. Don't be limited.

You are an unlimited edition created by God and for God. When you learn to "Be still"- the innermost working can begin and create in you a clean heart purposed for His good work. No matter the struggles that may show up on your doorstep, you will soon find His quiet presence overtake you as you remember Exodus 14:4: "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."

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Be still my heart, Dear Lord.

Help me to be still in the moments that matter.

Help me to remember the "Don't Be" moments that will only scatter.

Give me unshakable confidence to grow my circle,

as I find purpose and stillness in your eternal circle.

Guard the places that only you can see,

keeping my mind focused and my heart pure as it can be.

Help me to love others as you love me,

as I remember to "Be still" and set you free within me.

*This blog is dedicated to my oldest daughter, Haley, and published on her 18th birthday. Never forget to Be still... and know that He is God.

I love you, Bug!

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I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

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