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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

Election, Infection, and Way too Much Disconnection.

Happy 2020 Election Week!

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According to recent studies, 70% of Americans are stressed over the election and 77% are worried about the country's future. And just like the rest of 2020, we will all sit in our homes this week and watch and wait. So before you panic, take a deep breath and remember, you have practiced this ALL year! You've got this! ;)

In a year showered with isolation, mental health disease on the rise, panic paralyzing entire families, chaos in the streets, and foul communication blasting on every front, I think it is important to take a minute pre-election to simmer down. You've been boiling for way too long, let that soup simmer on down, and then turn it off.

Here are 8 ways to connect and have a positive impact during E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N. week.

E: Elevate and Encourage

This week will be the peak of division as two rivals in a heated fight finally come to the final selection. The world is watching. We have portrayed to all around the world our freedom of speech, our firm lines of division, and we've often used enthusiasm in less than ideal ways. Expectations are high this week and people will engage in less than ideal coping mechanisms.

Here's your week to shine. Elevate and encourage someone totally not in your circle. Don't draw a line in the sand. Fear stops movement. And people are afraid, both sides and in most homes. Our future generation needs to see through our example that freedom and faith meet this week no matter the final result.

Red EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable Quote Elevate and Embrace

L: Live Leadership

Focus on live leadership this week with anyone you influence. Remember the context of where others are coming from and let compassion lead you to listen and care. Power without structure is a dangerous thing and we are watching a possible shift in power this week.

No matter the outcome do not limit others by labels. Leaders who do not need to feed their egos will meet their team on any field and at any time. Open your schedule this week and let compassion lead you.

Red EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable Quote Live Leadership

E: Embrace

Have you ever been through a really rough few weeks, months, years and finally get a chance to just sit and crash? Then someone comes and just embraces you. The tears begin to follow and you release all the hurt and pain right there in their arms. You melt.

This week find one person to embrace. The COVID virus plus an election year has made for some tough times. Read again the top statistics, 70-77% of Americans are stressed and afraid. Don't feed the fear this week and remember that even Greatness needs a friend right now, pray for your leaders.

Red EGK Strip Absolutely Amyable Quote Embrace Election 2020

C: Courage

We all need a double dose of courage this week and for the years to come. Our country was founded on Biblical principles and our freedoms have been won by courageous men and women who go beyond their call of duty as Americans.

We will not take for granted our freedom and we will exercise our right to vote with gratitude. Then we will pray for courage to face new days ahead. Together. “Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength.” -Napoléon Bonaparte

Courage Absolutely Amyable Quote Election 2020 Red EKG Strip

T: Take Time

This week, one thing is certain... one will win and one will lose. What has taken time to battle will also take time to heal. It is in the healing that true character begins its big reveal. Take time with people this week. Remember to erase the lines and open barriers. Silence some of your triumphs and always remember there is another side defeated.

It is hard in battles such as these, with emotions running high and when much is at stake, to remember to take time and not forget the ones grieving. Ask God to remind you when enough is enough and then take the time to turn it completely off and lead with love.

Red EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable Election 2020 Quote

I: Illuminate His Presence and Real Inheritance

Remember we are a nation coming out of isolation. We are people who have been stricken with fear, confusion, chaos, and hurt for an entire year. Focus on the intent in your words and pray to illuminate God's presence not your vain ego or strong political rhetoric.

Our future inheritance is not of this world. We hold to that promise and let peace rule our hearts despite the state of the union come tomorrow. Follow the assignment God has purposed for you and He will light your way.

Red EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable Election Quote

O: Ownership

No matter the results, we all have to accept the results and take ownership to do what we can moving forward. One thing is certain, one side is going to be unhappy which will fuel the fire. I think we can all agree this game has been going into way too many overtimes. It is time to call it and move forward.

Omit the extra distractions and voices this week. Turn off the television and stop scrolling. Find your focus, allot your time, and make sure you are pouring 2x the amount of good in before you ever think about turning on the bad. Own what God gave you to manage and inspire others to do the same.

Red EKG Strip Ownership Absolutely Amyable Quote

N: Nourish Your Narrative

Stop the negativity and start nourishing your narrative. Find ways to grow and build new connections. Follow up on all the political fronts you have championed during the campaign and make sure to continue what you can to help even if your side does not win. There are many ways to stay involved and create a stronger future.

"Your tolerance for tension determines your potential for growth." Steven Furtick

Our muscles should have grown quite a bit this year, I know mine sure have with lots of extra tension! I will use this week to nourish my narrative, to inspire and empower others to keep pushing on, to keep their faith strong, and keep their arms open. God's not done. It's not over.

Write your narrative. Dream as big as you can. Connect with others. And don't forget to use the Master's pen. It is limitless!

Red EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable Election 2020 Quote

God bless America

American Flag

"Land that I love

Stand beside her

And guide her

Through the night

With the light

From above

From the mountains

To the prairies

To the oceans

White with foam

God bless America

My home sweet home"

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P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

But You're ___________ *insert your name here.

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