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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

Embrace Simple and Highlight His Real This Christmas.

I remember the first few days, weeks, and months after COVID panic was in full force, sitting down and having a hard time scrolling through some feeds on social media. Not anything related to COVID truth versus fiction but things that suddenly felt shallow...

The inappropriate outfits, that fifth selfie of yourself with all the extra filters, and the "highlight reel" feed finally felt like someone needed to reel it on in like a good ole fisherman who realizes the bait is gone.

I wonder who we all really thought we were fooling? As we begin to prep and plan for Christmas, with so many feeling down about the year and feeling a bit lost without your same family traditions, I hope we will stop and imagine how shallow our "highlight reel" must have felt for years to our King.

Nativity Scene Star Absolutely Amyable Blog Title Christmas

Our perfect gift who was born in a manger in a world with no vacancy... Embrace simple and highlight His real This Christmas!

Here are 5 simple ways to usher in His real.

1. Simplify and Magnify.

Toss the traditions and make the moments matter - simplify.

Drive past the Christmas lights, turn on the old Christmas hits, and envision the little ONE who was born just for you.

It is hard to grow. At first, it feels amazing, and then the reality of the job at hand hits hard. Changing traditions is hard. Whether it is COVID related or just as your family enlarges, this Christmas remember - simple leaves you with more room to magnify.

Nativity Scene Star Of David Wise Men Magnify Absolutely Amyable

When life gets crowded, busy, and bursting at the seams, it also becomes a much less personal experience. 2020 has slowed our pace, reconnected some tough places to navigate, and made us realize just how much more we can magnify what matters when we clear the table and make room.

Here is my favorite Christmas decoration...

Nativity Scene Manger Baby Jesus

I keep it where everyone will see it, in the kitchen. However, it is easy to miss that small little baby with one giant purpose who was wrapped, held tightly, and surrounded by only his few.

This Christmas, I pray my little ones (well big ones now) are wrapped in His love, held tightly within His grip, and have the light of the Saviour shining down from above. Spectacular happens when your simple, real self meets a little family glam and the light.

Purpose meets passion and the human spirit is left to magnify the only ONE who really matters.

Christmas Quote Absolutely Amyable

"Mary, did you know?

That sleeping child you're holding is the great I am"

2. Embrace Intimacy.

You've been asking for it, complaining about it, and now you have it - time. One on one, stuck in the house together, quarantined together, miserable together, or just plain lazy together. How many of us use to say, "If only Dear Lord..."

Intimacy ultimately brings out the genuine self. It takes quite a bit of give and take to create the perfect union. However, the authenticity that a genuine spirit brings creates a private, sacred relationship that brings honor.

His table has been cleared for you, His calendar has always been wide open; however, your's was quite full. Let this Christmas bring intimacy as you make room for your Savior - turn that vacancy sign on bright and let Him take a seat at your table and let true nourishment begin its perfect work.

Christmas Quote Absolutely Amyable

3. Remember the loss even as Heaven gains.

As a nurse, I really do understand loss. As a mom and friend, I see people's hurts. If you ever wondered if your "highlight reel" was feeling shallow to your friend even way before COVID hit while she experiencing great loss... well it was.

Everyone's loss hurts. Pray for God to silence you when only Heaven can truly experience the gain. No matter how deep your faith may very well be, loss takes time. We believe, we hope, and we look toward our reunion, but today it still hurts.

Loss needs a shoulder, not a sentence.

Nurse Doctor Heart Ekg Loss Hurt Absolutely Amyable

Embrace quietly, let love do the rest.

4. Prepare for impact even when it seems small.

If you ever wondered what real impact looks like, grab the magnifying glass. Purpose often gets distracted, the wrong friends steal your joy, and soon you feel small. When you magnify the ONE, anointing and call meets grace, humility meets love and you soon find yourself ready for impact!

You've listened to the flight instructions, you've covered the journey with prayer, and when your all seems small leave it to the one you Magnify!

Magnifying Glass Impact Absolutely Amyable Quote

5. Accept the gift. No strings attached.

It is one thing to see, but it is a whole different picture once you genuinely feel what you have been given. Receive it. No strings attached.

Faith is truly a gift and sight is not a key ingredient. Faith is that yearning and connection you feel in your deepest places where words are silenced and the warmth of His light can be genuinely felt inside of you.

Let it radiate to others this Christmas.

Accept the Gift Absolutely Amhyable Christmas Quote

This Christmas, let these five simple acts of faith forever highlight His real inside of you!

  1. Simplify and Magnify.

  2. Embrace intimacy.

  3. Remember the loss even as Heaven gains.

  4. Prepare for impact even when it seems small.

  5. Accept the gift. No strings attached.

This is a must-listen before you sign off. Take the time for what matters this Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Friends!

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P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

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I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

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