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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

Turning Your Human Into Good.

Cross Sunset God Quote Absolutely Amyable Grass

My "human" moments, as I like to call them... the moments when I am pretty certain crazy takes over my body, mind, and tongue are the not so fun parts of life. Can anyone relate? And in today's modern age, you can bet someone has their camera ready and you will soon get to watch your crazy on replay for months to come. In fact, if you've watched the news lately, you've been overwhelmed with the world's crazy human moments on repeat.

How do you survive when your flesh seems stronger at times than your God? It takes true humility and self-awareness to get past real-life scenarios that tend to catch us off guard. It's specific morning prayers and ones repeated throughout the day that really are essential: "Please, Lord, turn my human into good today. Pretty, Please!"

Nurse Doctor Holding Red Heart Ekg Strip Bible Verse Absolutely Amyable

Man, I've had some pretty ugly human moments that He somehow, amazingly enough, God turns for good. Takes a bit of pruning and reassembling on my end, but I am always left in awe of His goodness.

Tired of your mess-ups? Ready to have a successful year no matter the state of the union? I know I sure am! Grab a chair and click print. You might want to add these to your daily planner or journal. Guard your heart this year so your "human" can be silenced and you can do His good work.

Red Heart Bandaid on Heart Absolutely Amyable Quote and Bible Verse Wood Table

Here are 4 ways to remember His goodness on days when your "human" keeps trying to steal the show.

1.The words you speak... Actually, the thoughts you keep are at the core of the issue.

How many conflicts in life could be avoided if you guarded your tongue? Ever had a friend tell you about a situation, then other friends are chiming in, your thoughts are racing, truths are starting to get confused, and soon your mind is about to blow. To be honest, you probably can not even remember the core issue that started the discussion; however, you are ready to let your "human" shine.

So off you go to confront this human headache head-on! But then a new day dawns, you wake up replaying the situation, and soon wish you had held your tongue or pressed the mute button.

White background Blue Table Absolutely Amyable Quote

Now... how to turn these human moments for good?

It is hard to actually guard your heart and mind (thoughts) daily. It is another daily job to add to your already long list of tasks. Don't feed into what others are saying, keep the facts clear, silence the extra, and keep your thoughts focused on His goodness. You will soon find these moments that use to take you from 0 to 60 are now much easier to simmer down and even turn off.

Rather than say:

"But he had that coming to him after what he did or said...”

Instead, pray:

“But God, I trust you today to turn my human into good. Teach me to hold my tongue as my thoughts remain steadfast on you. Show me how to handle this situation with care and show your compassion to others.”

Red Ekg Strip Bible Verse

2. Stop Hiding.

Shame will keep you hiding from reality, missing your calling, and making poor choices on a daily basis. Once you feel your "human" has won, that the mistakes and shame are unforgivable, you make a decision to stay put in your human mess and keep repeating the same cycles.

Coming to terms with your reality stinks. There is no easy way to put it. Most people run from a daily self-inventory, ignore the bank or credit card statements, avoid the people they've wronged, and return to the same old routine day in and day out.

Make this year a new one. Find a friend, sit down with your planner, have an honesty session, and let God light the way.

Black background Bright Pink Absolutely Amyable Quote

Humans make a mess! I mean have you seen the news? Learning to meet God in private is first and foremost; then partnering together with someone to keep you accountable is second.

Give it to God, grab a friend's hand, greet each day with your mind focused on His goodness and you will suddenly feel forward momentum as the weights are lifted. No matter how stuck you may very well feel at the moment, know a GOOD day is coming!

Red EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable Quote

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

-Proverbs 3:5-6

Friends Sitting On Pier Water Bible Verse

3. Where am I most vulnerable? Pray for warning.

Life is unpredictable. Our human/flesh is unpredictable. However, we all have different areas where we are more vulnerable than others. We have certain characteristics and triggers that set us off. Becoming aware of these areas is key to preventing your human side from stealing the show in life's toughest moments.

White Background Blue Table Absolutely Amyable Quote

Make a list of your weaknesses, own them. Ask your spouse, ask a parent, ask your best friend if you are unsure of your weak areas. Honesty hurts, so remember to hold your tongue and don’t get easily offended. Then, attach scripture to each weakness. Tape them on your mirror, place them in your wallet, and have them ready at a moment's notice. Soon you will find they come to memory at the slightest sign of the trigger... like your little inward warning siren. Before you even realize which weakness a situation is triggering, you will start to hear the verse on repeat automatically.

Our human mind is amazing. Intricately designed by a great big God who turns those delicate moments into amazing masterpieces with just the mention of His name.

Lady Buitterfly in Hand Sunset Water Absolutely Amyable Quote

Even as mysterious as God is, hold tight to His consistent character. Quote his timely words and watch those hopeless, mess-ups turn to good.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

4. My inner circle matters. "So will I" (100 Billion X)

She Speaks Fire Quote

I love the quote above. I sent it to my teenagers. I hope they take it to heart. Your inner circle matters. There is nothing more heartbreaking as a parent than to watch young people's purpose and calling being squandered because of distractions from the wrong crowd. It must break the heart of God to watch us go back to what's familiar despite the bondage it causes.

Pray for guards over your heart. Friends that genuinely care and a heart that hears God's voice over the crazy screams that try to sneak back into your head in times of loneliness. Be deliberate in your thinking and remember your INNER circle is only to be completely devoted to one.

I love the song "So will I' (100 Billion X) by Hillsong:

If the stars were made to worship, so will I

If the mountains bow in reverence, so will I

If the oceans roar Your greatness, so will I

For if everything exists to lift You high, so will I

If the wind goes where You send it, so will I

If the rocks cry out in silence, so will I

If the sum of all our praises still falls shy

Then we'll sing again a hundred billion times

God of salvation You chased down my heart Through all of my failure and pride

On a hill You created The Light of the world Abandoned in darkness to die

And as You speak A hundred billion failures disappear Where You lost Your life so I could find it here If You left the grave behind You, so will I I can see Your heart in everything You've done Every part designed in a work of art called love If You gladly chose surrender, so will I I can see Your heart, a billion different ways Every precious one, a child You died to save And if You gave Your life to love them so will I

So will I (100 Billion X)

No matter what today may bring, I will praise Him for his goodness, I will remember He is the only inner circle that matters, I will speak His praises and repeat His words, I will stop hiding and come to terms with my weak areas and I will keep my thoughts always set towards Him.

So will I.

“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth” (Exodus 9:16).

Peony Bible Verse Absolutely Amyable

I trust Him to turn my human into good.

So will, you?

Absolutely Amyable Quote Red Heart EKG


P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

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