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  • Writer's pictureAmy Alford

When Thankful Has A Name.

When I think about thankfulness, I think about this little curly-haired girl named Adriana. The one who screamed for a solid 6 months from colic and who we waited on for over 14 years. The little one we thought would never be possible until December 8, 2010 when thankful finally had a name.

Newborn Baby Crying Hospital Doctor

Adriana is my niece and my favorite picture is below. It captures how we felt seeing her for the first time. The joy was uplifting, genuine, and from the deepest heart of thankfulness. Infertility is a hidden battle for many. I still get chills when I see these photos. She's proof thankful has a name...

Little Children Jumping Singing Church

And if you are still in the midst of infertility, hugs and many prayers from my home. It is a daily prayer I say for many. I saw the hurt and remember the sadness around the holidays for my sister.

Your thankful has a name.... may this sweet girl with the curls give you hope this holiday.

She was the never ever, won't happen thankful gift that arrived leaping for joy!

Little Girls Hugging

Girl and Santa

In your hustle and bustle, remember to stop and be thankful for the many names thankful has in your life and the names not yet conceived.

Thankful has many stories and thankful also needs a friend this holiday season.

When thankful's name is Sister.

There is no greater bond than sisterhood. Whether you are blessed with an earthly sister or God has dropped a few precious ladies in your life, hold them tight. Sisters make the hard times easier and the easy times more fun. And when sisters stand together, nothing else stands a chance.

Sisters Sister Poem Absolutely Amyable

I am forever grateful to my sister. She is older than me and tried for 14 years to have Adriana, all while being the greatest Aunt and fill in mom for me as I worked as a nurse. My oldest daughter, Haley, called her mom for quite some time. It never hurt my feelings or made me feel like my bond with Haley was any less. I knew in the midst of my sister's battle with infertility, while I was having my babies, that God gave my sister thankful in the form of Haley.

Teen Holding Little Girl

Thanks, Sis. Our girls will forever have an incredible bond woven together with gratitude and love for one another. Thanks for standing in the gap for me! I know our girls will do the same for one another. When thankful's name is cousin... :)

When thankful's name is Mom.

There are many things in my life that I am thankful for; however, I am most grateful for the chance to navigate motherhood. It is the hardest yet most rewarding journey. I am super thankful for my mom who helps me at a moment's notice and has helped me create a loving home. I am thankful for all the other mom friends as we partner together to carry our thankful name, Mom, sacred.

Life is tough at times and no one will do life for you. However, there is one person that no matter what muck and mire you find yourself in, she‘s behind you, shovel in hand, helping dig you out.

Thanks, Mom. You are the glue God created to hold me until my last.

Girls and Mom Absolutely Amyable Sister Poem

When thankful's name is Dad.

People underestimate the power and influence that Dads have... Sometimes Dads even feel like their kids don't need them quite as much as they need mom. Yet, how far from the truth. There is no greater bond.

Dads protect and Dads feel heartache as they watch their babies grow. Hug your Dad before you rush out the door and call and check in a time or two. That big tough guy waiting at home is feeling a part of his heart slipping away as you grow.

Dad Daughter Poem Absolutely Amyable

And even in my 40's, I realize my Dad is still sitting at home watching my family grow and handing over the reins to the one who is greater. Dads are always waiting on you to come back through that front door regardless of your age.

Thanks, Dad. I love you. You are my hope mentor and prayer warrior on speed dial.

Dad Quote Absolutely Amyable

When thankful's name is Grandma or Grandpa.

The one time in life where you can pick a cool name. Nana, Grampy, Pa, Granny, Grandma, Gigi, Mimi... and the list goes on and on. That special bond where no discipline is involved, where you can get spoiled, and where both get a boost of love in a crazy world. Watching you grow is bittersweet for grandparents and watching grandparents grow old is heart-wrenching for grandkids. Time is ticking. Forward is the only direction you can go.

One day, teens will wish there was a road to Grandma in Heaven and grandparents will wish there was one last ball game to attend to watch you make those winning plays.

Thank you, Nana, Grampy, Nanny, Granny, Pa, Grandma.... The path to your home whether on earth or in Heaven will be one memorized and dreamed about daily.

Road Map Grandparent Quote

When thankful's name is Father.

Make an appointment with your Heavenly Father today. The one who knows your innermost being and the depths of your heart. He is the one who leaves no one as they came. He will bypass the shameful parts, he will heal those deep hurts, and he will establish a new everlasting blood supply for all your days.

He will hold your hand on lonely nights, He will provide the pillow for your heavy mind and He will send hope to wrestle you out of bed on tough days.

Heart Bandaid Absolutely Amyable Quote

Ask God to be the head of the table this holiday, and usher in forgiveness, love, and peace.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all you have given me. Your seat is always open here at our table. We need you more each day.

Thanksgiving Fall Quote Absolutely Amyable

Gratitude Quote Absolutely Amyable Fall Leaves Pumpkins

When thankful's name is Plenty.

As you gather around the table this Thanksgiving, stock up on moments with all the names thankful is to you. Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Grandma.... Overindulge in laughing, reminiscing, listening, and showing love to all those who take a seat at your table. Let His love fill the empty places and watch Him turn your table into a feast.

Thanksgiving Quote Pumpkins Table Absolutely Amyable

The nourishment that takes place within each one gathered together at today's holiday feast will far exceed any substance the world can give. Here at these tables is where you will find your plenty. Where small investments turned inward reap a bountiful harvest in the days and years to come. Passed from generation to generation.

Abundance Quote Plenty Red EKG strip Absolutely Amyable

Plenty... I have an abundance of thanks to all the names thankful holds in my heart. Overflowing, overwhelming at times, more than I could ever ask or deserve.

Thanksgiving Quote Pumpkin Absolutely Amyable

When Thankful's name is a Front-line Worker.

Frontline workers carry heavy loads for others even on holidays. They ensure every patient feels loved, valued, and heard. We aren't all called to be doctors, nurses, pastors, or first responders. However, we are called to pray for those who serve our community and sacrifice their time while we feast. When you bow your head in thanks today ask for extra abundance for those who give their all!

Frontline worker Quote Red Heart EKG Strip Absolutely Amyable

When thankful's name is YOU!

It's your turn now. Let God turn all those gifts, talents, passions into a harvest for many generations to come. Weave strong threads of unity, love, and authenticity, and remember someone may desperately need you to drop them a line today.

Red Heart String

Heroes still exist and their name is YOU!

"Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero' within us is revealed."

Bob Riley

When thankful's name is Us.

This is us. Our life, our story, our home...

Family Photo Wall Absolutely Amyable This is Us

This holiday season take the time to be thankful for your Us. Be extra grateful for your time together and for God protecting your family this year. Unity creates bonds that are not easily broken and thankful hearts add life and bring complete joy to the moments shared.

When Thankful Has a Name:

Little Girl Santa Poem Absolutley Amyable

When my thankful finally had a name,

my heart and mind could not contain.

Embraced in thanks and brought to life,

my gift from above and full of much love.

When thankful's name then became us,

our story was written and I was smitten.

May all our days give Him praise

for this little one in whom he trusted us to raise.

Thankful's name to me is Heavenly Father,

And I am thankful for my name now as Mother.

May my days forever bring him praise,

as happy hearts and hands, we will forever raise.

I am thankful God chose me!

Absolutely Amyable Logo Red Heart EKG

P.S. Don't miss out. Join me here!

Welcome to Absolutely Amyable. Here you will find your calm cushion in life's chaos.

I have renewed resolve to use my story to help shape your story. To pass on to the next generation the power of meaningful connection and care for others.

May each of us who swore by oaths in our professions recite them daily and vow to uphold them. May each of us help guide others to find and fulfill their inner calling.

But You're ___________ *insert your name here.

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